Kim Mays @
I feel that if I was getting a new puppy I would want to know as much as possible about the breeder. You will find other pages on this site not just about my Boxers, but about me and how I do things or the way I see it. The things I write are not set in stone for everyone. Each person should ask lots of questions from many different breeders. Some things we just see different. Only you can decide what will be best for you and your Boxer in the end. I have been a Boxer owner for 36 years. Since I was 14, I knew I had to own a Boxer. I had seen Boxers at dog shows here and there, as my father owned coonhounds, plott hounds and the like – which he showed and trained and hunted with. While I know he loved them, I always knew the breed for me was the Boxer. When I was 14, my aunt had a Boxer and I wanted her so very bad. I would not shut up about that Boxer I wanted her! I ask my mom to see if she could get me this Boxer. And she did! ( she traded a Sapphire ring with 2 diamonds in it ) thus my mom showing me how much she Loves me the value of this Boxer must have been quite high . I was so happy, but it was short lived. I was young and we moved to the city and my new 1st Boxer hated it should jump the fence almost every day. There was no keeping her in. I had to place her back with my aunt, who lived on a farm. I was on a Mission. I needed a Boxer of my own so, I got a job, and saved every penny to buy my first Boxer, and, to have her ears cropped. Her name was Brittney, and while she was just a pet to me, she opened up the whole world of Boxers, and made me realize, I would never be without one. While I have learned much about this breed, I do not claim to know everything, and look forward to more time spent with this wonderful breed and learning as much as I can as time goes on. Many of my dogs have just been pets, but the more I learned about breeding and showing, the more interested I became in working towards improving the breed and becoming a reputable breeder. |
I currently own dogs whom I feel will help me improve the breed, both in conformation, and temperament. I have been starting to show my dogs, and am truly enjoying the friends, and experiences I am having while participating in this hobby. I am also working with my dogs in obedience to become a Good Working dog. I do not believe in being kennel blind – I try to honestly evaluate my dogs and improve their weaknesses. I do not believe in taking a pet quality dog, and placing it as a show puppy, and I do not believe in showing dogs who should simply be pets. All my dogs whether pet, or show should be family dogs and companions as a priority, so when I have a litter, in my heart they are ALL pets first. I do my best to honestly evaluate my litters, and place dogs accordingly, but regardless of whether a dog spends most of his time in the ring, or on a couch, they are all Champions to me! |
Our Goal is to keep Great heads this is a head breed. Always keeping in mind that temperament is a priority. We are also taking the time to do health testing on all of our dogs! |
