- Are you really ready for a puppy? Puppies bark all night & howl for hours making it hard to get rest. Chewing up everything. When I say everything I mean everything, power cords, chords to your electric recliner, your cell Phone cord, table legs, flip flops you left on the porch, the car mats that you left laying out in the yard, A zip tie that accidentally popped off of something you had put together. Socks underwear, your new vacuum cleaner hose. And if you forget the front door open good luck catching her. Puppies are like bring in a 5 year old who has never been told no. They are without a doubt cute but when they are little a lot of times you can handle what they are doing, but if you are not willing to really put time and effort into them they can become a nightmare. And with that being said there really is no Bad Dogs just BAD Dog owners. If your dog is doing something you don't like it's because you did not take the time to work with him to make him into a puppy that is pleasing to your life style.
- Do you have the time for a puppy? When thinking about this question think about these kind of things... TRAINING- TO GO POTTY OUTSIDE. TAKING YOUR PUPPY TO THE VET FOR CHECK UPS. TAKING YOUR PUPPY FOR WALKS. And one of the biggest commands you can teach your puppy is to come back to you when called. There are more but this is very important. The 1st year of a puppy's life is the foundation blocks to his future. So Do You have the time to raise a puppy?
- Where will the puppy stay at night? Be realistic this is a dog, rule of thumb one don't start something you don't want to keep doing when the dog is 75bls. I feel that a puppy should be treated like you would a 10 month old baby. If you was to take a shower would you just leave the baby crawling/walking around the house? No you wouldn't. The baby would be safer in the playpen/crib. Instead of them pulling a lamp off the table onto their head. This is as to a puppy roaming the house chewing the table legs eating everything they find on the floor. ( that thumbtack you loss yesterday ) The safest place for puppy is in the crate or cage. Check out my video on crate training. Crates can be very important. For one it becomes a safe place for them. If they have to go to the vet for overnight it is no longer a scary place because they have been taught it's a safe space. If you had to leave town for an emergency a neighbor could quickly be able to step in and keep your dog safe while you do what you need to do.